Uber Eats Headquarters Office Address, Contact Phone Number, Email ID

Uber Eats headquarters HQ office address, customer service number, toll free helpline number, helpline phone number, email id, website, contact number, toll free helpline phone and customer support number is listed below. As this page, you can also get Uber Eats headquarters and customer service support number, corporate office, postal and mailing office address and contact details.

If the users/customers of the Uber Eats have any question, complaint, feedback, suggestion and reviews regarding to Uber Eats products and service information then they can communicate with the customer service representatives of Uber Eats through its customer service contact information including Uber Eats headquarters and customer service contact number, Uber Eats corporate head office address, contact telephone number and Uber Eats customer service phone numbers.

Below, we are sharing Uber Eats headquarters contact information with Uber Eats customer service number and toll free helpline number of Uber Eats including Uber Eats toll free number 1800 and customer service contact details of Uber Eats with Uber Eats headquarters office address, email addresses and other related links for the help of its customers. The information provided below can help the customers conveying their queries, suggestions, reviews and feedback related to the company’s products and services.

Uber Eats Headquarters Address & Office Contact Details

The customers who want to share their feedback and reviews with the Uber Eats can use the various contact modes we are sharing in this article. In case of having queries, complaint, suggestion, enquires regarding Uber Eats, the customers can use the customer care support anytime listed below.

Uber Eats Customer Service Contact Information:

The many toll free or non-toll free phone numbers of Uber Eats are available here. The customer service and support representative will support member’s all kinds of problems, questions and inquiries. The all contact helpline numbers of Uber Eats is listed below:

Uber Eats Customer Service Number: 800-353-8237

Uber Eats Customer Service Support Email Id: NA

Uber Eats Corporate Head Office Address: Uber Technologies Inc., 1455 Market Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

Uber Eats Corporate Head Office Phone Number: +1-415-801-4068

Uber Eats Corporate Head Office Fax Number: N/A

Uber Eats Corporate Head Office Email Id: N/A

Uber Eats Customer Support and Service Links:

Click here to find Uber Eats locations

Click here to find Uber Eats help

Click here to about Uber Eats careers

Click here to know about Uber Eats

Uber Eats Official Website: www.ubereats.com

The website mentioned above is the official website of Uber Eats. The customers want to know more about Uber Eats or the customers want to know the source of the information shared in this page can visit this website anytime. The corporate headquarters and mailing office address, customer service phone number, email and postal address of Uber Eats service center and Uber Eats customer support number is listed above. The contact phone number of Uber Eats headquarters and Uber Eats customer service may or may not be toll free.


Add a Comment
  1. cindy smallwood

    it is now 2:21 pm and I ordered food @ 12:35 order # 77B33 and I still have not received my order. This is no way to do business.
    I checked my bank account and you certainly took out the $14.81 for the food.

  2. I have 2 charges on my credit card bill. I have never used Uber Eats and do not have a receipt for either charge. I do not know if restaurants use this as their charge vehicle or not. Please contact me as soon as possible as I plan to dispute these charges unless I am able to verify them.1- 830-899-2676

  3. Do not make my first comment visible! I need a call back as soon as possible.

  4. Bhanu Pratap Singh Sengar

    it is now 11 am and I ordered food @ 11:58 order#5249F and I still have not received my order. This is no way to do business.
    I checked my Pytm account and you certainly took out the Rs 82 for the food. This is way of begging .customer care can’t help me

  5. I created an account, added a 4195 gift card and I was locked out of the account then told It was permanently disable. Help desk was NO help, just said so sad to bad.

  6. I was locked out of an account I just created and added a $195 gift card to. Help desk was use less. wanted me to message them through the app that I was locked out of. Said they don’t show any funds on the account I had to create a new one. Did that and tried to add gift card, got a message saying card was already used for another account. YEAH THE ONE I’M PERMANENTLY LOCKED OUT OF!!!!!!!!

  7. I need to contact head quarters over a issue through customer services I escalated my call to speak with a supervisor being that the partner canceled my order and I had waited more then a hour only when I called was the order canceled no empathy what so ever no customer service etic at all then to put the icing on the cake the supervisor hung up in me very sarcastic . please I want to speak with someone upper how can I do this ?

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